Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Crepuscolare Tribe

The Crepuscolare, a name which roughly translates as "Tribe of the Twilight Storm" are a tribe of nomadic halfling "barbarians" whose home territory extends across much of the Grey Mountain range. These nomads travel South each year to worship their nameless storm god under the powerful storms which form when the sea winds get caught in the southern most cliffs of the mountain range. A common coming of age ceremony for young Crepuscolae warriors is to stand atop a cliff and scream their rage at the storm in hopes that it hears them and rages back. Being struck by lightning is considered a great honor among the tribes people and a sign of divine blessing. Only those who have been blessed by lightning may become shamans and bear the mantle of leadership. (Scholars note that this shamanic order does not appear to have any policies regarding gender, and that the Crepuscolare don't seem to favor one over the other in the role, however it is noted that the role seems to involve quite a few tasks which Quayan society would consider "Matriarchal Duties" which are performed by the shamanic order. More research has been planned but never carried out)

Every 20 years or so there is a massive week long nonstop storm that rages through the Grey Mountains. While it is dangerous it is said that the rains wash away the psychological debris that builds up around sentient creatures. In essence the storm clears away the latent negative energies that human (and demi human) emotion leaves in the space between the Material Plane and the Spiritual World.

The Crepuscolare myths about this storm tell of grave outcomes if the storm does not rage through the region. This is the primary sacred duty of the shamanic order, ensuring that the Storm of Cleansing rages hard enough, and long enough to cleanse the mountains while also protecting their people from the storm and leading emotional cleansing rituals to help their kin release pent up negative emotions through a great week long festival of wardancing, feasts, and music. Whole tribes play concerts to the storm, dozens of rain sticks shaken by children and old folk alike, great drums boom out in response to each clap of thunder, wood flutes harmonizing with the whistling wind. It is through these rituals and the story tellers who speak at these great concerts (often as many as 100 halflings can be involved in major gatherings) that the histories of the tribe is passed along.

It is believed that if the Storm of Cleansing does not rage for at least 6 nights then the mountains will begin to twist under the weight of the negative emotional baggage, growing aggressive and dark. Trees that have stood a hundred years will grow a hatred for sapience overnight (the process takes weeks, but it feels like overnight to a tree) Creatures grow wicked and cruel while the folks who live in the mountains are wracked with deep anxiety. It is also believed that if the storm rages for exactly 13 nights then the people of the mountains must follow the storm where they will confront a grave threat to their continued existence. This was exploited 7 cycles (about 150 years) ago by an unknown mage who rallied the tribes against the nearby city of Salendar where they laid seige to the city with storm magic and were eventually driven away (at great loss of life and mutual loathing) by a group of adventurers leading the town militia on a counter attack. Both the tribes folk and the people of Salendar carry lingering resentment about this event.

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